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Contributor License Agreements

Why we have a CLA

As the sponsor of dbt, dbt Labs would like to ensure the long-term viability of dbt and its community. The Contributor License Agreement helps ensure everyone can enjoy dbt with confidence that dbt is here to stay.

Specifically, our Contributor License Agreements (CLAs) grant the contributor and dbt Labs joint copyright interest in contributed code. Further, it provides assurance from the contributor that contributions are original work that does not violate any third-party license agreement. The agreement between contributors and project is explicit, so dbt users can be confident in the legal status of the source code and their right to use it.

Our CLAs

For all code contributions to dbt, we ask that contributors complete and sign a Contributor License Agreement. We have two different CLAs, depending on whether you are contributing to dbt in a personal or professional capacity:

For Lawyers

Our individual and corporate CLAs are based on the Contributor License Agreements published by the Apache Software Foundation, with modifications:

If you have questions about these CLAs, please contact us at
